Really Real.

We wish to assure you that the authenticity of your bag is validated through a vigorous process and handled with the utmost care to ensure every bag listed is, in fact, genuine and authentic. This process includes, but is not limited to, the validation of serial numbers and hologram or authenticity cards, as well as verification from authorized specialists to endorse and validate the authenticity. We never list merchandise found to be counterfeit or fake. 

In the event you believe the merchandise you purchased may not be authentic, please reach out immediately, and we will gladly refund the purchase and pay for the return shipment within the first 14 days of purchase. 

The designer handbags sold on this platform are not associated with or endorsed by the original brand in any way. We guarantee that all items sold are authentic and in the condition described. We are not affiliated with the original brand and do not claim to be an authorized dealer of their products. All items are guaranteed to be in the condition described and are sold as is.